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About Us

The History Of Classy Crafter


Classy Crafter is an exclusive art company craeated and run by me - a very CRAFTY young school girl. My ability to create and craft works of art came from my mom and my aunt - my two inspiratons. I had learned the art of quilling, drawing, shading and threading at a very tender age. Being able to impress, satisfy,create and sell many items I was finally asked by a teacher or mine - "Why don't you start your own business?". I thought, "Why Not?". So I gathered up huge lists of items items I could make, discussed the prices with my mom and I finally reached the critical point of developing this website. With the success of the company so far, Classy Crafters is sure to flower in the future.  


What Makes Us Unique 

Here at Classy Crafter we don't just belive in giving you divne art items, but belive in giving you one on a kind, unique, dazzling items perfected by clasic perfection. Our products come packed with quality material, exclsive patterns/designs and what's more is that these items are not found anywhere in the market with such low prices. But the best part of all is that we give you the chance to personalize and customize EVERY SINGLE ITEM FOR FREE!!! If you want your purchase in a diffent colour, size, shape, or even want us to try the challenge of building something completly new??? We do it all!!! Afterall we belive in Classic Perfection.


Our Sevices

As a very young company we right now catagorize in three major parts of the art department - Paper quilling jewlery, handmade cards and other crafty items such as designer pencil stands. All our material comes form the finest quality materials around the world and almost all our products are made with bases of paper. Our products are previewed and pin pointed by the customer themselves!!


Our Co-Partners

Our co-partners include a very successful gift comapny " Gift Start". Gift Start is a gift perfectionist company who will costomize and pin point the pefect gift according to your needs. Just fill out a simple form, pick from 100's of available gift result, and just pick up the gift perfected and wrapped in just a few short days!!! Click on the link below for more details 



Happy Clients

Miss.Classy Crafters, my daughter Sephora loved you quilled jewellery set - the pink and blue one -  you made for her grad. It was simple but fancy and we have just sent you an order for 3 earrings from pictures we found on google. My favourite earing was the green and blue flower one you sent.


Grace Karvanis


Hi Miss.Crafter. I'm Jayne. I'm 8 years old and just wanna say I love the Birthday card you send me. The teddy bear was shoooo cute!!! I'll have it forever and ever and ever!!!

Jayne Doelle


My frind absolotley loved that get well soon basket you send her. That threaded flower bouquet real brightened her up! :D. The card was so funny too!!! Thanks


Iskika Sinha 


OMG!!! Thoses quilling sets were a hit!! I need more of thoses christmas earings for our play and I sent in some images this morning. Please contact me later and we can discuss. 


Zoey Cheng





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